
Friday, May 25, 2018


Facts about Neptune

Neptune was the first plant to be discovered only through mathematical calculations rather than astronomical observations.
Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun making it the most distant in the solar system.  Gas giant planet caThiss formed much closer to the Sun in early solar system. Also Neptune is unique for being a big blue ball of ice and neptune is called a gas giant and also it does not have mountains for not having any solid surface. It takes 168 years for neptune to orbit the sun-Leon

Do you know that neptune temperature is about 214 cecilus and did you know why neptune is really cold,it is because neptune is the farest from the sun/sol. Neptune is the strangest planet on the solar system because when  nasa discovered neptune they were searching some mysterious about the planet, well they got something it was the wind going on those winds is extremely high.

Neptune was discovered in the year 1846, The discoverers of Neptune were John Adams,Johann Gottfried and Urbain Verrier he did poetry in his life. Did you know that Neptune was discovered on the 23rd September 1846. The discoverers were John Adams, Johann Gottfried and Urbain Verrier. Johann GottFried did poetry and literacy to.

The features to neptune is it has lots of storms, tornados also cold, dark, windy and mysterious Uranus, Neptune's blue color is the result of red light being absorbed by methane gas in the planet's upper atmosphere.

Neptune is the farest planet from the sun. it A icy gas giant. Mercury venus earth and mass are small planets because the sun gives the hydrogen ti the planets.

People can’t live in Neptune because they could freeze. Also people would die  because they can’t make plants like vegetables, also their shelter will break because of the tornados and bad Disasters that happened there, And they could not have anyThing to eat.

By Havea, Leon, Railey, Reign and Michael.

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