
Friday, September 21, 2018


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It was Friday September the 21rst, When I walked inside class I took one Big Glance at the white board and I saw writing on it, But you might think it’s boring But it’s not. But room 7 and I do an Spelended activity. “Ok Right After the roll I have something special For yall” Mrs Ashley said with pride. “YAYYYYY!!!!!” SO we got into buddies and mine were Railey and Leon, Mrs Ashley Gave instructions and what made it more challenging was that she moved the furniture. By the way you could not move the furniture or you would lose minus 1 point towards your team.

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All of room 7 got into buddies but because Havea didn't have anyone so me and Railey put him in our group because he is our friends so we wanted to be nice to him that’s why we put him our group, I was the first one in our group who went first I felt paralyzed and also blind while I had the blindfold on when Railey and Havea had their turn they felt the same as well.
Me and Havea had a hard time telling Railey where to go because he was kinda not listening to me and him because he went his own way but he did really good because I liked how thinked about what we said so he was a very good listener and followed instructions.

I felt so Energetic and it was super fun I could not feel my legs afterwards.

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