
Thursday, May 2, 2019

Measurement 2019

Today Room 6 learnt how to measure using Metres, Centimeters and Millimeters. Room 6 quietly lined up out in the corridors and went to the dots to where we had our little class meeting. We were in groups of 6,5’s and 4’s. My little group were Keru, Jordan, Orlando and Eh htoo. We measured our principals office to the end of our school kitchen. We had different jobs to do while we were working, Keru was in charge of holding down the ruler(With Orlando), Jordan was the describer, Eh htoo was in charge of doing calculations and I was in charge of doing the chalk. Many minutes went by and we had only got half-way there. “Pick up some paste” Keru says, “YES!” the group says with excitement. 3 minutes came by and we had finally finished the job. We got 46 metres and 61 cm. Afterwards we met up with Mrs Sharma and all the other groups, We had a little chat and we went back to class

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Talofa and greetings to you all

Profile PictureTalofa and greetings to you all, My name is Havea and I like Running. I am Tongan and a little tiny bit of Samoan, I go to a bright school it’s called TPS known as Tamaki Primary school, I have a bright and pushing teacher called Archana, I’m a hard working student and is proud to be who I am.