
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Legend Of Kupe

               The Legend of Kupe
The Adventure of Kupe wasn’t very long, he had probably been hunting for the giant octopus.

While in sea Kupe’s wife could see white could’s not to far away, There canoe finally had hit the shores of aotearoa

Kupe sailed down down the east coast, Kupe arrived in south island and found precious greenstone’s  

After Kupe’s sighting of New Zealand, he had seen snow capped mountains and a three meter high moa.
When Kupe first arrived, he only saw thick forests and and birds, He had grabbed greenstone's to show for the people in Hawaiki
When Kupe arrived to Hawaiki, the greenstone’s were carved into ornaments. And also told the story about the 3 meter high moa.